Business Structure
Intragaz and Company, Limited Partnership operates the gas storage sites at Pointe-du-Lac and Saint-Flavien in Quebec, Canada
Intragaz and Company, Limited Partnership operates the gas storage sites at Pointe-du-Lac and Saint-Flavien in Quebec, Canada
Work and business management is based on certain key values that are central to day-to-day operations. Teamwork, respect, accountability, integrity, and excellence have always been our cornerstones and will guide us into the future.
Intragaz is committed to the health and quality of life of the general public and we make sure that our activities take the environment into account. In our decision making processes we promote sustainable development that protects both people and the environment.
At Intragaz, we strive to uphold positive long-term relations with all our partners.
The health and safety of both our employees and the general public are crucial at Intragaz. We are committed to protecting all our resources – people and equipment – by eliminating the root cause of any hazard to employee health or safety.
Intragaz believes it is essential to continually raise awareness and stimulate thinking to ensure that employees always take health and safety into account. Over the years we have developed tools and made them available to all, in order to establish a culture where health and safety is second nature.
Intragaz aims to have no work-related accidents. In June 2024, the Saint-Flavien site succeeded in obtaining 26 accident-free years and, in February 2025, the Pointe-du-Lac site completed 24 years without any accidents.
Intragaz promotes personal safety, minimizes the environmental impact of its facilities, and good neighborliness.
We strive to maintain a safe and healthy working environment and to eliminate any risk of injury, occupational illness, environmental damage, equipment damage, and production loss.
Intragaz benefits from a rich past that allowed it to acquire knowledge and develop expertise.
In the late 19th century, Pointe-du-Lac farmers heated their homes and barns using natural gas. The gas probably came from near-surface aquifers (less than 25 m deep).
The first well to reveal a gas field in Pointe-du-Lac was drilled by Joseph Auger in 1955.
Like Joseph Auger, the Pères de la Fraternité sacerdotale decided in 1960 to drill for gas to heat their facilities as inexpensively as possible.
In 1961 Corporation des Pétroles et Gaz de lac Saint-Pierre, whose principal shareholder was Laduboro, began systematic drilling with a view to producing the deposit. Exploration was carried out both in Lac Saint-Pierre and along the shoreline
Starting in 1965 the deposit was put into commercial operation, and gas was sold to businesses in the Trois-Rivières area. Operations continued until 1976 when withdrawal had to be discontinued due major water production.
In the mid-1980s, Société québécoise d’initiative pétrolière (SOQUIP) became interested in the site and had work carried out with a view to reuse it for underground storage.
From 1985 to 1987, a testing and drilling program was conducted by SOQUIP and Gaz Metropolitain in collaboration with SOFREGAZ (a company specialized in all areas of natural gas engineering) to implement and determine the feasibility of converting the depleted reservoir into an underground storage facility.
The first injection was in July 1990 and the first withdrawal in January 1991.
In March 1991, consortium members established Intragaz Limited Partnership to oversee operations at the Pointe-du-Lac site. Gaz de France (now Engie), one of the world’s first gas companies and a recognized underground storage expert, joined the partnership.
In about five years, Intragaz has increased peak withdrawal capacity from 910 103m3/day to 1,200 103m3/day. The working gaz capacity was gradually increased to reach 22,7 106m3 in 2001. Following an optimization project carried out in 2019, the peak withdrawal capacity was increased to 1,600 103m3/day and the working gas capacity increased to 36,6 106m3. In 2023 the peak withdrawal capacity was increased to 2,000 103 m3/day and the working gas increased to 37,6 106m3.
Following the success of Pointe-du-Lac, Intragaz developed the Saint-Flavien storage site.
This site was first drilled in 1972 by Shell. SOQUIP (Société québécoise d’initiative pétrolière) subsequently returned to the wells and, after completing stimulation work, demonstrated the potential for commercial production.
Many development wells were drilled and operations began at the field in 1980. The natural gas was initially transported by tube trailers.
SOQUIP stopped selling gas in 1994 after having produced 160 million cubic meters.
After drilling six additional wells and carrying out 3D seismic surveys between 1992 and 1995, Intragaz converted the field into an underground storage reservoir in 1997.
The site was connected to the TQM Pipeline transportation system in Saint-Nicolas by a 23 km pipeline in April 1998.
Between 2000 and 2004 Intragaz drilled six horizontal wells, increasing the working gas capacity to 120 million cubic meters. The Saint-Flavien site is used for seasonal storage.
In 2023, following optimization work as well as the construction by Énergir of a new 323,9 mm pipeline connecting the Saint-Flavien site to the Saint-Nicolas station, the maximum withdrawal volume in firm service went from 1,520 103m3 to 2,400 103m3. The existing 219,1 mm Énergir pipeline connecting the Saint-Flavien site to the TQM station in Saint-Nicolas is maintained.
As part of the optimization project carried out in 2023, the use of two compressors with natural gas engines were replaced by one compressor with electric motor, thus reducing the site’s GHG emissions by 5,000 tonnes, representing a reduction of 80 %. Intragaz has also increased peak withdrawal capacity to 2,400 103m3/day. Compressors with natural gas engines are kept, among other things, to compensate for possible electrical failures.
Intragaz draws on the expertise of 21 employees who pool their skills and know-how every day as well as partners with expertise in various fields.
Hugues Corriveau, CPA, CMA
General Manager
Jonathan Guilbert, MBA, PMP
Operations and projects Director
Luc Massé, Eng., M. Sc.
Underground storage Director
Julie Bergeron
Martin Boucher
Hugo Brisebois
Mohamed Chaïbet
Marie-Claude Duguay
Suzanne Lafrenière
Lucie Laurent
Mylène Morand
John Willett
Pierre-Alexandre Bibeau
Alain Blanchette
Simon Carignan
Isaël Côté
Jean-David Gagnon
José Manuel Galvao
Normand Gélinas
Michel Laplante
Pascal Martin
Intragaz is proud to count on a board of directors with a wealth of experience. The board is composed of four members:
Président du conseil Gaz Métro GNL
Vice-président, Stratégie, finance et réglementation – Énergir
Directrice exécutive, Transmission, Usine LSR et bureaux d’affaires zone Est – Énergir
Directeur exécutif, Projets Majeurs et Infrastructures GNL – Énergir
Intragaz partner/shareholder is Énergir.
Énergir is the principal natural gas distributor for Quebec and Vermont. It has an ownership interest in many transportation and storage businesses in the gas and underground sectors.
Énergir transports and distributes natural gas in Quebec, Canada, and the northeastern portion of North America. Its business also includes drinking and wastewater systems, urban heating plants, energy equipment maintenance and rental, and wind energy.